Industrial Advisory Council

The ISTeC IAC (Industrial Advisory Council) is composed of representatives of companies located in Colorado that have an interest in information science and technology (IS&T). The IAC was formed so that ISTeC can build and maintain strong interactions with Colorado IS&T industries. The IAC members will be in a position to influence the development and direction of IS&T at CSU. Their familiarity with CSU will allow them to better access students who are potential interns and future employees, as well as to better access the expertise of ISTeC faculty.


Activities that the ISTeC Executive Committee is asking the ISTeC IAC (Industrial Advisory Council) to assist with include the following.

  • Guidance in curriculum and programs at a distance
  • Scholarships and internships for students
  • Identify research thrusts and resources to support them
  • Identify resource needs and how to get them
  • Assist in bringing together industry people and faculty in joint educational and research ventures (including government proposals)
  • Use consulting and other interactions to help in faculty recruiting and retention
  • Encourage employees who can serve as adjunct faculty, guest lecturers, or advanced degree students
  • Sponsor ISTeC Distinguished Lectures


The ISTeC IAC (Industrial Advisory Council) meets each fall semester and spring semester for a half day. A member company hosts each meeting.