Executive Committee

The ISTeC Executive Committee is responsible for the overall functioning of ISTeC.


List of Members

Contact: Anura Jayasumana

The ISTeC Executive Committee is composed of the following:

  • ISTeC Director (a faculty member) - Chair of the ISTeC Executive Committee
  • Chair of the Education Advisory Committee (a faculty member)
  • Chair of the Research Advisory Committee (a faculty member)
  • Director of ACNS (Academic Computing & Network Services)
  • A representative from the Office of the Vice President for Research and Information Technology.


Activities of the ISTeC Executive Committee include:

  • Implement the ISTeC Strategic Plan,
  • Coordinate the activities of the Education and Research Advisory Committees,
  • Appoint additional members to the Education and Research Advisory Committees as needed,
  • Apportion ISTeC resources between the Education and Research Advisory Committees, e.g., support staff, limited funds, and space,
  • Work with ACNS (Academic Computing & Network Services) on infrastructure issues,
  • Arrange and attend the semi-annual ISTeC IAC (Industrial Advisory Council) meetings,
  • Communicate ISTeC documents to the CSU administration, college deans, faculty committees, and organizations outside of CSU,
  • Design and maintain ISTeC's website,
  • Encourage the submission of proposals for funding to support IS&T at CSU,
  • Determine the ways in which ISTeC can best accomplish the goals in its mission statement:
    "The Information Science and Technology Center (ISTeC) will be a university-wide organization for promoting, facilitating, and enhancing CSU's research, education, and outreach activities pertaining to the design and innovative application of computer, communication, and information systems."