Research Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes November 11, 2003

Attending: Richard Bowen, V. Chandrashekhar (for Louis Scharf), Jon Clark (for Stephen Hayne), Denis Dean, Keith Paustian, Sanjay Rajopadhye, Todd Shimoda, H. J. Siegel, Darrell Whitley.

Todd Shimoda reported that the IS&T faculty research interests database is up and available. It was described and presented at the ISTeC IAC in Boulder, Oct 29. It was suggested that the database have provision for listing (i) the talks and (ii) tutorial presentations that faculty members are willing to give.
Action 1: Todd Shimoda will look into this. The need for populating the database was reiterated. Stephen Hayne being absent, further discussion of this was deferred.

Action 2: Sanjay Rajopadhye will contact Stephen and make sure that this advances.

In relation to the recent CIT call for proposals, it was mentioned that there was some missed communication -- some faculty were not aware of the call. The utility of using genfac mailing list was debated. It was decide that announcements would be sent to RAC and EAC, and each member would ensure dissemination in their college duplicates were preferable to missing some potential faculty. It was mentioned that the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) should be involved in facilitating such dissemination.
Action 3: Keith Paustian will contact OSP and report at next meeting.

There was also a discussion about expansion of the RAC. It was pointed out that having too many members could be unwieldy. Sanjay Rajopadhye pointed out that there was a need for people to do the tasks that had been outlined in the strategic plan. It was suggested that we could add a couple of additional members.
Action 4: (everyone) names of potential members were solicited.
The prioritization of the tasks of the RAC as outlined in the strategic plan was discussed briefly. It was unanimously agreed that the creation and population of the database was the top priority, but the discussion of secondary priorities and delegation and timeline was deferred to the next meeting.