Coffee with CSU Seminars

Coffee with CSU is a program to coordinate seminars that CSU faculty involved in IS&T related research and education are willing to give to members of ISTeC's Industrial Advisory Council (IAC) or to other companies, at their company site. A pilot program, started with IBM, has so far had six such seminars by faculty from three different colleges at CSU. It has led to:

  • a funded research project;
  • a consulting agreement;
  • an IBM employee working on a doctorate at CSU (sponsored by IBM);
  • and an IBM fellowship for a CSU graduate student.

Potential benefits to industry:

  • increased individual contacts;
  • collaboration in research and/or educational projects;
  • recruiting quality CSU students to your companies;
  • early access to CSU faculty research;
  • and supporting employee career advancement by enabling pursuit of advanced degrees at CSU.

Potential benefits to CSU faculty:

  • increased individual contacts;
  • collaboration in research and/or educational projects;
  • consulting opportunities;
  • recruiting of industry members as graduate students to CSU;
  • and helping CSU graduates find jobs.